"For Our Eyes Only!"- Information Only Package


Take a 30 minute relationship assessment today! (assessment completion time may vary)

"For Our Eyes Only!"- Information Only Package


Couples take 100 question assessment separately and get email copy of Individualized Couple Summary (Results) to review and discuss together. Assessment will arrive in email in less than 24 hours after purchase. Results will also arrive in email in less than 24 hours after both parties have completed the assessment. Couples have the option to upgrade to the "Where Do We Stand?" package within 30 days of completing assessment and receiving results.

Insurance Not Accepted for this package!

Order Assessment

Take a 30 minute relationship assessment today! (assessment completion time may vary)

"For Our Eyes Only!"- Information Only Package


Couples take 100 question assessment separately and get email copy of Individualized Couple Summary (Results) to review and discuss together. Assessment will arrive in email in less than 24 hours after purchase. Results will also arrive in email in less than 24 hours after both parties have completed the assessment. Couples have the option to upgrade to the "Where Do We Stand?" package within 30 days of completing assessment and receiving results.

Insurance Not Accepted for this package!

Take a 30 minute relationship assessment today! (assessment completion time may vary)

"For Our Eyes Only!"- Information Only Package


Couples take 100 question assessment separately and get email copy of Individualized Couple Summary (Results) to review and discuss together. Assessment will arrive in email in less than 24 hours after purchase. Results will also arrive in email in less than 24 hours after both parties have completed the assessment. Couples have the option to upgrade to the "Where Do We Stand?" package within 30 days of completing assessment and receiving results.

Insurance Not Accepted for this package!